Eight Bachelor of Science in Fisheries students from the Bicol University Tabaco Campus (BUTC) have successfully completed their four-year degree courses through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)-5 Fisheries Scholarship Program (FSP) on July 10, 2023 at the BUTC Campus, Tabaco City.

Out of the 8 scholars, Rodrigo B. Salem Jr. was conferred cum laude. While the other graduates were Angelo B. Bien. Anna Maria B. Avellano, Grishelle B. Avellano, Trisha B. Buella, John Rey B. Taller, Christian B. Boral and Nicko B. Bersabe.

Before the graduation rites, BFAR 5 held an awarding ceremony recognizing the scholars’ dedication, perseverance and passion throughout their academic journey. RD Ariel U. Pioquinto together with BUTC Scholarship Coordinator Maricor R. Collantes awarded the certificates of recognition to the graduates, as well as plaque of recognition and check worth Php P20,000 as an incentive from the bureau for Rodrigo Salem’s excellent academic performance as Cum Laude, pursuant to Fisheries Administrative Order No. 257.

BFAR Bikol extended its appreciation to the Bicol University headed by its University President, Dr. Baby Boy Benjamin D. Nebres III and BUTC Campus Dean, Dr. Maria Gisella N. Mortega for their unwavering support to the Fisheries Scholarship Program.

