Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Project

The SAAD Program is a locally- funded program implemented last FY 2017- 2021 to help alleviate poverty incidence in the 30 poorest provinces in the country.  Its components are Social Preparation, Food Production and Livelihood, Marketing Assistance and Enterprise Development, and Program Management. For FY 2023- 2028, SAAD Phase II will be launched and implemented focusing on the country’s top 3 poorest municipalities and 5th to 6th class municipalities. Furthermore, establishment of community-based enterprises will be given more priority to boost production and market linkages. The general objective of the project is to help alleviate poverty in areas it operates through the provision of fishery livelihood interventions. Specifically, it aims to complement the DA-BFAR regular programs in terms of beneficiaries and interventions; improve food production  for household consumption and commercial purposes in areas of operation; and assist beneficiaries establish community-based enterprises (at least 75% of the total group selected).